The Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA

Organization: The Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA


Message Phone: 360-737-1999

Due to COVID-19 we are not currently holding classes. We are maintaining a waiting list to be notified when we reopen. Please call or visit our website to learn more about us.

The Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. It was the vision of our founder, Master Moy Lin Shin, a Taoist monk and tai chi master, to make the Taoist methods of transformation widely accessible to all who wish to learn them. He synthesized a powerful system for cultivation of body, mind and spirit known as the Taoist Tai ChiĀ® arts. Accredited volunteers instruct all classes and perform most of the administrative duties in over 800 locations in 26 countries.

In 2020 The Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA is celebrating its 50th anniversary. The Portland branch celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2018 and instruction has been offered in Clark County for 20 years.



If you would like to learn more about us here are some resources:



Message Phone: 360-737-1999




What we would like you to know about us:

We are a strong community locally, nationally and internationally. Because of COVID-19 we are not currently holding classes. We are maintaining a waiting list to be notified when we reopen. During this time active participants are deepening their understanding of the Taoist internal arts through individual practice.

Our mission is to alleviate suffering through the practice of the Taoist training that Master Moy Lin Shin transmitted to us.

While our classes around the world are closed, participants from 26 countries are gathering weekly via Zoom to chant for the well-being of the world.

One of the consequences of this Taoist Training is that it is profoundly beneficial for health. Taoist Tai ChiĀ® practice helps the mind be calm and clear yet creative and dynamic, and the spirit be light and peaceful yet grounded and resilient. Practicing quietly together is a deep form of meditation that not only reduces stress, but helps us feel joyful. Physically it makes us stronger, yet supple, balanced and energetic.

All are welcome and encouraged to participate in these Taoist arts as they choose. For 50 years people from all ages, backgrounds, languages, cultures and walks of life have been learning and practicing the teachings of Taoism together.