
At the Vancouver Peace and Justice Fair you can look forward to many new activities, exhibitors and sponsors, and stage performers, as well as returning favorites.

It’s time to consider volunteering during this unique, significant event. Help is needed throughout the day with various aspects, such as traffic control, setting up and taking down tables and chairs, providing relief for sponsors and exhibitors, etc.

You can easily sign up to volunteer according to your schedule, interest, and abilities. Visit the Vancouver Peace and Justice Fair 2024 page on SignUp.Com (Note: this link is good for the 2024 Fair only)

You will find more details about the type of help we need, and see the available shifts. Note: you need to register your email in order to sign up for a spot.

If you would rather not use the website, please, email vanpeaceandjusticefair@yahoo.com, or call Kay Ellison at 360-696-4840. Even if you don’t want to sign up on the SignUp site, please review it if you have access to the Internet, because you can see what types of volunteer roles and time shifts are available, as well as a detailed description for what’s expected in each role.

Thank-you for helping to create a successful Vancouver Peace and Justice Fair!

Help us Make the Fair a Success!

Thank you for considering a way you can help ensure a successful Vancouver Peace and Justice Fair that can be enjoyed by all!

Logistics: Kay Ellison (360) 696-4840
Arrange help for the short-term projects listed below.

Presenting a Stage Act: Bill Sterr at wjsterr@gmail.com

Publicity: vanpeaceandjusticefair@yahoo.com
Help get the word out.

Children’s Activities: Pepper Kim at peppertk@comcast.net

Exhibits: Den Mark Wichar (360) 694-3703 | vanpeaceandjusticefair@yahoo.com
Help line up groups that would like to have an exhibit space at the fair.

Sponsors: Den Mark Wichar (360) 694-3703 | vanpeaceandjusticefair@yahoo.com
Ask people, businesses, and organizations if they would like to contribute.

Help arrange for any ideas you have! We would like storytellers, people to read books aloud, face painters, tables for kids to cut, paste, color, etc. We need people to volunteer at each table.