Vancouver Heights United Methodist Church

Organization: Vancouver Heights United Methodist Church

Contact: Michael Niehaus


Phone: 360-693-4761

Love All Gods Children!

ALL are welcome to worship at Vancouver Heights UMC and become part of our Church Family!

Vancouver Heights United Methodist Church publicly affirms its ministry with the whole family of God and intentionally welcomes every person, regardless of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, family situation, national origin, ethnic background, handicapping condition or economic status.

Here are some things we stand for at Vancouver Heights… Things we believe Jesus would stand for if he were walking the earth today.

Vancouver Height United Methodist Church stands for:

The dignity of all people, climate justice, racial justice, nonproliferation of weapons, migrants and refugees, eradicating poverty, education for all, maternal and child health, economic justice, gun violence prevention, criminal justice reform, indigenous rights, religious freedom, fair trade, sustainability, women and children, environmental justice, LGTBQ plus rights, healthy food for all, civil rights, domestic violence prevention, addiction care, mental health, human trafficking prevention, abolishing the death penalty, living wages, worker justice, clean water, voting rights, peace with justice, an AIDS-free world, multilateralism, human rights, health care. In a word… JUSTICE!