Peace and Justice Works

Organization: Peace and Justice Works


Phone: 503-236-3065

Visit our website at to see our ongoing and upcoming actions; also click through to find info on our project group Portland Copwatch.

Peace and Justice Works has been promoting nonviolent conflict resolution on local, national and international levels since 1992 in Portland, Oregon. Our two main project groups at this time are:

(1) The Peace and Justice Works Iraq Affinity Group, committed to educating the public about the effects of U.S. policy on the people of Iraq, and other [conflict] areas including SW Asia, North Africa, and the “Middle East,” and on the domestic costs of war.

In late June the Iraq Affinity Group livestreamed a presentation by Professor Zaher Wahab on the situation in Afghanistan.

Every Friday (taking over for Portland Peaceful Response Coalition in late March 2020) we host a rally for peace and justice at the SW corner of Pioneer Courthouse Square– socially distanced and masked up. As of August 2020 size is limited to 25 people so please rsvp to if you want to participate!

(2) Portland Copwatch, a grassroots, volunteer organization promoting police accountability through civilian action and seeking a Police Bureau free from corruption, brutality and racism.

PCW publishes a newsletter three times a year, click here to read every issue from 1993-the present: