CASA Clark County

Organization: CASA Clark County

Contact: Gwen Anderson, Outreach Coordinator


Phone: 360-949-0499


Action: Sign up for an information session to learn more!

CASA, or Court Appointed Special Advocate, is a volunteer powered network of people from all walks of life. Our volunteers advocate for the best interest of children who have come into the state’s care as a result of abuse, neglect, or abandonment. They make a lifelong difference in the life of a child in foster care and are often the one consistent adult in the child’s life. Volunteers are empowered to represent a child’s voice in court after extensive training that prepares them for the role. For community members ready to learn more about our volunteer opportunities we invite you to join our 1-hour information session. Schedules and registration links are available on our website at You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram @casaclarkcounty